The world of chemicals is constantly expanding and involves more and more foreign countries.
In recent years, many countries have developed regulations similar to the European Reach and Danger and Safety, always ready to give current answers, has entered into agreements with foreign consulting companies to meet every need.
Korea’s Chemicals Registration and Evaluation Act (also known as K-REACH) was passed on April 30, 2013 but revised several times, and is considered to be the first REACH-style chemical regulation adopted in an Asian country.

K-Reach requires companies to register all existing chemicals they import or produce for at least one ton/year, and all non-existing chemicals that import or produce at least 100 kg/year.
By June 30, 2019, companies must “pre-register” these existing substances with the Korean Environment Corporation (KECO), based on their hazard and volume, in order to obtain a transition period to complete the registration.
The main purpose of pre-registration is to identify the substances that companies manufacture or import. This will allow companies to form and manage consortia for joint registration of substances, which is particularly significant for consortia dealing with substances manufactured or imported in volumes of 1,000 tonnes or more, which must be registered by 31 December 2021.
Suppliers who do not wish to disclose information on substances to domestic importers due to CBI concerns can pre-notify through directly appointed representatives (OR).
If a company does not pre-register, the Ministry of the Environment can order a suspension of the production, import or use of the substances.
Late pre-registration is applicable to chemicals produced or imported> 1 ton/year for the first time after the deadline but before the corresponding progressive registration deadline.
Pre-registration allows you to benefit from a transition period for phased registration based on the tonnage band:
- By 2021: > 1000 tons/year or CMR> 1 ton/year
- By 2023: 100-1000 tons/year
- By 2027: 10-100 tons/year
- By 2030: 1-10 tons/year
For the new chemicals, on the other hand, the following is envisaged:
If ≥ 100 kg / year → REGISTRATION
If <100 kg / year → NOTIFICATION
Korean manufacturers and importers have a legal obligation to comply with K-REACH.
Foreign manufacturers can appoint an Only Representative (OR) to fulfill the relevant obligations.
Danger and Safety offers advice and assistance, supports companies and proposes itself as an Exclusive Representative under K-REACH.

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