Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP – Classification, Labeling, Packaging) entered into force in the European Union on January 20, 2009 and introduced a new classification, labeling and packaging system for substances and mixtures.
The CPL Regulation aims to ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment, as well as the free circulation of chemicals and their mixtures, thus also strengthening the competitiveness of companies and innovation.
To achieve this, it harmonises the criteria for the classification of substances and mixtures and the rules relating to their labeling and packaging, prescribes the obligation for manufacturers, importers and downstream users to classify the substances and mixtures placed on the market; for suppliers, the obligation to label and package substances and mixtures placed on the market; for manufacturers and importers of substances the obligation to notify the ECHA agency of such classifications and label elements if these have not already been communicated to the agency in the registration applications pursuant to Regulation (EC) no. 1907/2006.
Thanks to the application of the Regulation it is possible to determine which properties of a substance or mixture allow it to be classified as dangerous, so that the dangers it entails can be adequately identified and disclosed. These properties include physical hazards for safety, human health hazards and environmental hazards.
The CLP Regulation applies to all chemicals and mixtures, including biocides and pesticides, with no limits on quantities produced per year.
It does not apply to the transport of chemical products, which is governed by the framework directive 2008/68 / EC and subsequent amendments.
Furthermore, the following are excluded from the scope of the CLP Regulation:
– radioactive substances and mixtures;
– substances and mixtures subject to customs control, which are not subjected to any treatment and which are in temporary storage or in a free zone or free warehouse with a view to re-export or in transit;
– non-isolated intermediates;
– substances and mixtures for research and development not placed on the market;
– waste;
– cosmetics;
– medicinal products for human use;
– veterinary medicinal products;
– the products used in animal feed;
– flavorings intended for use in food products and in the basic materials for their preparation;
– additives authorized for use in food products intended for human use;
– active implantable medical devices;
– medical devices;
– in vitro diagnostic medical devices.
Overview of the adjustments to technical progress (ATP) of the CLP Regulation published so far
- 17th ATP of the CLP Regulation – Reg. (EU) 2021/849 ⇒ Starting from December 17, 2022
- 16th ATP of the CLP Regulation – Reg. (EU) 2021/643 ⇒ Starting from 9 May 2022
- 15th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 14th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 13th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 12th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 11th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 10th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 9th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 8th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 7th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 6th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 5th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 4th ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 3rd ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 2nd ATP of the CLP Regulation
- 1st ATP of the CLP Regulation
Our experts will verify the correct implementation of the CLP Regulation, the new classification criteria and the relative timing, providing a useful service for the purposes of any inspection visits.
Danger and Safety offers a classification service that is correct and consistent with current regulations and with the criteria introduced by the CLP regulation.
The experts of Danger & Safety offer to submit the notification to ECHA on behalf of companies, as required by the CLP regulation for hazardous and non-hazardous substances manufactured and imported into the EU.
Pursuant to art. 45 of the CLP Regulation, the composition and classification of dangerous preparations on the national market must be notified to the Dangerous Preparations Archive. Danger & Safety can support the company in submitting the notification to the ISS. From 1 January 2021, this notification will then be made through the harmonized format of Echa – PCN (Poison Center Notification), in accordance with EU Regulation 2017/542.

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